BALL 2015


Sunday, 20 May 2012

1 week to go!!!

Yes its on 6 days and we will be in full swing at Keighley Rugby Union Club, but before that we have a meeting on Tuesday night 22nd May at the club for all volunteers. Please if you want to help on Saturday come along to this meeting so we can discuss the roles with you and also how the day will work. If you can't attend and have not been in touch with us yet to volunteer please email or visit Nathan Volunteers Facebook and register your interest.

we have also started a group for Nathan on facebook so that all his events can be linked to one point on there, you can view this by clicking here Nathan Cubitt Events .

The program has gone to the printers this week, we have also received the raffle tickets and these are on sale now. Some more amazing prizes have come in this week, so please check out that page on the blog.

We are still in need of a T shirt printer and this is going to be a major struggle this week, but if anyone out there can help us, please email , if you want to help by arranging the T shirts and sponsor them with your logo this can be looked at too.

We are asking people to use a parking and shuttle bus from Acre Park, Dalton Lane, Keighley, BD21 4JH on the day as there is limited parking at the club and we wouldn't want people blocking the road trying to get in.

We need entries for the big Nathan bake off too, if you want to enter this you can bring your entry with you on the day.

Naomi is going to run the fun things for the younger children on the day, this will include colouring competitions, pass the parcel, face painting and much more. All the staff running this work at Dragons Den at Acre Park, and hold all the relevant certificates, so thank you to them.

If you haven't yet sent your entry forms in then please do so urgently to, as I need to do the match layout no later than Thursday, there's a lot of work to do on this so please don't miss out!

If there is a banner company out there that can help we would love an event banner for the top of the drive on the day, I know its a lot to ask but if you can help we would be most grateful.

Nathan has received his new wheelchair this week and will be flying around in this next Saturday, so watch your legs and ankles!!!

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