BALL 2015


Saturday, 10 March 2012

Rugby Family

The piece below is a press statement from Tony Simpson on behalf of Keighley Rugby Club

What a night! What a game! What a triumph for Nathan! The Over 35 game at Bradford Salem, which doubled as the official opening of their excellent floodlights, was a truly memorable occasion in every respect and one which deservedly earned our hosts a huge round of applause.
This was Bradford Salem at their social best – the club has long had a handsome reputation for their mastery of the social occasion – and thanks to their efforts and those of the celebrities who supported them, the event has raised a magnificent £3,400 towards the Nathan Cubitt Trust Fund.
With a terrific crowd supporting the event – the biggest for many a long year according to someone who knows about these things – and rugby personalities like Robbie Paul, John Bentley, Colin Stephens and Scott Benton adding the glitz which helped to pull in a bumper audience, this was a memorable occasion.
More than that, the rugby was competitive from first to last, with plenty of ingrained skills on show to ensure that the match offered genuine quality for both sets of supporters to savour.
The whole package proved to be a touching experience for Nathan, who watched the game and later shared in the post-match festivities with the players.
“Can I say how grateful I am to all the people who have been so generous with their support,” he said: “I’m hugely indebted to everyone at Bradford Salem for such a special night and I’d also like to thank all the other clubs from all parts of the country for their kindness and generosity.
“You hear so much about rugby union being one big family and the way people have responded to my accident proves that. The atmosphere at Salem was very moving and while I was struggling to say anything on the night, I want everyone to know how grateful I am for all the support which has been shown to me from near and far. Thank you all.”

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